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STOP, and Think Before You Post on Social Media

Passing your driver's test is a big accomplishment but stop posting pictures of your new license on social media. You are most likely well aware that when you approach a stop sign, you must look in all directions before proceeding. The same fundamental rule of the road should be applied when posting on social media.

We know you want to share your newfound excitement with your friends and family, and the easiest way to do this is by posting a picture of your recent accomplishment on social media. DMV wants to share in this excitement with you but wants to warn you against posting a picture of your Learner's Permit or Driver's License online.

Posting images of newly-obtained permits and Driver's Licenses has become popular among young adults who are looking to share the accomplishment. We urge you to keep the information to yourself. Having your identity stolen and your privacy compromised is not a good way to celebrate getting your Driver's License.

It’s important to remember the far-reaching dangers of posting pictures of your Driver's License on social media. Why is it so harmful you ask? For this very reason…

Your personal information is being exposed for the world to see!

And parents, we didn’t forget about you. Be sure to talk to your teens and explain the risks involved with their posting personal information on social media.