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Safety on Recreational Trails

Recreational trails give Vermonters and tourists unique access to our beautiful state. Many of the recreational trail systems in Vermont rely on the public use of private land. Each trail is unique and it’s important for recreational users to be aware of the different methods landowners may use to control access to their property. Here are some terms and tips land users and property owners should follow to make recreational trails safe for all:

  • Access Control Devices (ACDs) are often used by both the State and private landowners to control the flow of traffic in and out of their property. Examples of ACDs are gates, chains, ropes, wires, fences, etc.
  • ACDs should be properly marked to ensure visibility. This can include signs, flags, reflective tape, and other markers.
  • Trails may be open to multiple kinds of users, some on foot, others on horseback, and many more on motorized vehicles. Be sure to look out for other users of the trail system at all times.
  • Whether you are a cyclist, runner, snowmobiler, or ATV user, be sure that you have permission to be on someone’s property before you venture out. 
  • Motorists and other fast-moving users should keep their speed in check and their eyes peeled. For even the most seasoned rider, there’s no telling what surprises might be around every corner.
  • All users should stay on the designated trails.
  • Always be respectful of the land that you are using.

While fun, exercise, and adventure are great motivations, safety should be everyone’s number one priority. For more information on safe use of recreational trails, be sure to watch this video;

Find additional safety information at the following links: