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International Registration Plan (IRP)

The International Registration Plan (IRP) is a registration reciprocity agreement between all jurisdictions (except Alaska & Hawaii) of the United States and several Canadian provinces for payment of registration fees for highway transport vehicles. The fee is based on fleet distance operated in member jurisdictions.

The unique feature of this plan is that even though registration fees are paid to member jurisdictions in which fleet vehicles are operated, only one state issues the plates and cab cards for each fleet vehicle when registered under the plan. A fleet vehicle is an apportionable vehicle, and this vehicle, so far as registration is concerned, may be operated both interstate and intrastate.

This program aims to promote and encourage the fullest possible use of the highway system by authorizing the proportional registration of fleets of vehicles and recognizing vehicles proportionally registered in other jurisdictions, thus contributing to the economic and social development and growth of the jurisdiction.

Under the IRP program, the interstate carrier must apply with the jurisdiction in which the carrier is based. The base jurisdiction issues an “apportioned” license plate and cab card. The base plate and cab card are the registration credentials required to qualify the carrier to operate interstate for intrastate in member jurisdictions.  The base jurisdiction collects the registration fees (“apportioned fees”) for each jurisdiction at one time and divides them among the other jurisdictions according to the distance traveled in each jurisdiction.

IRP 72-Hour Trip Permit

Apportioned Registration does Not:

  • waive, or exempt a truck operator from, obtaining authority from a State/Province in which the apportioned vehicle travels (either inter or intra); or
  • waive or replace the requirements of the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA); or
  • waive or exempt the payment of reporting of other taxes (income tax, sales tax, etc.); or
  • allow registrants to exceed the maximum length, width, height or axle limitations; or
  • allow registrants to violate “bridge laws”; or
  • waive or exempt the payment or reporting of the Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (Form 2290)

Who Should Obtain Apportioned Registrations and Exemptions

You must register your fleet apportionally if the fleet travels in Vermont and any other IRP jurisdictions and:

  • Is used for transportation of persons for hire or is designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and
  • Is a power unit having a gross weight over 26,000 pounds and/or
  • Is a power unit having three or more axles regardless of weight and/or used in combination when the weight of such combination exceeds 26,000 pounds gross vehicle weight
  • Is a commercial vehicle operating intrastate in 2 or more jurisdictions regardless of weight

Vehicles, or combination thereof, having a gross vehicle weight of 26,000 pounds or less and two axle vehicles may apportionally registered at the option of the registrant.


The following vehicles are exempt from the apportioned registration program:

  • Government owned vehicles
  • City pick up and delivery vehicles
  • Recreational vehicles (defined as a vehicle used for personal pleasure or travel by an individual or family)
  • Vehicles operating with a restricted plate that has time (less than a year registration), geographic area, mileage or commodity restrictions

To obtain an IRP registration, you must have an established place of business in Vermont as defined below:

Established Place of Business

"Established Place of Business" means a physical structure located within the Base Jurisdiction that is owned or leased by the Applicant or Registrant and whose street address shall be specified by the Applicant or Registrant. This physical structure shall be open for business and shall be staffed during regular business hours by one or more persons employed by the Applicant or Registrant on a permanent basis (i.e., not an independent contractor) for the purpose of the general management of the Applicant's or Registrant's trucking-related business. The Applicant or Registrant need not have land line telephone service at the physical structure. Records concerning the Fleet shall be maintained at this physical structure (unless such records are to be made available in accordance with the provisions of Section 1035). The Base Jurisdiction may accept information it deems pertinent to verify that an Applicant or Registrant has an Established Place of Business within the Base Jurisdiction.

Business location will be verified by providing three (3) or more of the following in the fleet registrant’s name:

  • Prior Year Tax Returns – State / Federal / Property Tax
  • Most recent utility bill – Land Line / Electric / Internet, etc
  • Lease or Landlord Statement
  • Vermont Commercial Driver’s License of Principal owner (owing at least 80% or more of the company).

The trucking-related business within the base jurisdiction must constitute more than credentialing, distance and fuel reporting, and/or answering a telephone. Employees in the permanent employment of the registrant, not contractual labor, must be performing the trucking-related duties. A jurisdiction may require whatever information the jurisdiction deems pertinent to show that the registrant has an established place of business within the jurisdiction and that all proper fees and taxes are paid.

IRP Registrations can only be processed at the Commercial Vehicle Office at Montpelier's Department of Motor Vehicles. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For further information, call 802-828-2071 or use our contact form.

International Registration Plan (IRP) Website

Download the PDF form to your computer and then open it with Adobe Reader

Related Forms & Information
Title Sort descending ID# Description
IRP Application for Replacement Credentials
To request replacement plate or cab card registration for IRP vehicle.
IRP Schedule A/E
IRP Schedule A/E
IRP Schedule C/E
IRP Schedule C/E
A manual of Vermont Apportioned Registration Plan (IRP) & International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) information.