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Winter Driving Safety Tips

snow covered police car

It’s always wise this time of year to dust off our winter driving skills because we never know when Mother Nature will send nasty weather our way.

  • Practice handling your vehicle on ice and snow in an empty parking lot.
  • Make sure brakes, wipers, defroster, heater and exhaust system are in top condition.
  • Check that antifreeze and windshield washer fluid are ready for colder temperatures.
  • Put good snow tires (the same type) on all four wheels, and be sure they are properly inflated.
  • Keep the gas tank at least half full.
  • For the latest information on road conditions check
  • Clear all snow and ice from windows, mirrors, lights, wipers, hood, trunk and roof.
  • Plan for extra time to prevent frustration when your trip takes longer due to slower speeds on slippery roads.


What if I am a victim of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking and do not want my address on my license?

The Safe at Home address confidentiality program, within the Office of the Secretary of State, was implemented to serve victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking.

The goal of the Safe at Home program is to help victims who have relocated or are about to relocate, in their effort to keep their perpetrators from finding them.

Safe at Home has two components: a substitute address service and a protected records service. These services limit a perpetrator’s ability to access public information that could identify the new location of a victim who is in the program. This is not a witness protection program, rather it is a mail forwarding service.

For more information visit the Secretary of State website.