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Social Media Comment Policy


One of the ways the State of Vermont engages with the public is through social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Vermont’s state-owned social media accounts expand traditional channels for public engagement, allowing the public to engage with state entities. These social media accounts also allow the public to engage with each other as they might in a local Town Meeting or other governmental public meetings.

Content and comments on the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will be moderated as set forth below.

Terms of Service

The State of Vermont welcomes public engagement on social media at any time. However, given the need to manage state resources and content moderation, responses should only be expected during regular State of Vermont business hours.

When engaging with the Vermont DMV on social media, you agree to the terms outlined in this social media policy (Policy). Further, when engaging with Vermont DMV on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter sites, you are subject to the host site’s Terms of Service (TOS). Content (photos, videos, etc.) you share with or post to Vermont DMV Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages are subject to the TOS of the host site. The State of Vermont is not responsible for limits Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter may place on speech due to violations of the TOS. Content shared may be used by the owners of the host site for their purposes according to the site-specific TOS. The State of Vermont encourages the public to review the host site TOS before engaging with the State of Vermont’s social media accounts, so they fully understand their rights.

User Generated Content

The public is encouraged to share comments and content with Vermont DMV. To ensure the social account remains a venue where people feel welcome to express diverse viewpoints and participate in democratic processes, content and comments shared should adhere to the standards outlined in this Policy and host site TOS and should follow all copyright and trademark laws.

The Vermont DMV reserves the right to “hide” or remove content or comments that contain:

  • Profane or obscene language or content
  • Defamatory language
  • Content intended to sexually harass others
  • Threats of violence or to public safety
  • Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public, including public systems, and infrastructure
  • Information that may compromise the safety or security of the State, including State employees
  • Personal attacks on individuals with offensive content or language which targets race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability status
  • Content that includes information which is confidential or personally identifying by law, rule, or regulation
  • Solicitations of commerce or advertisements for products, services, entities, or individuals
  • Spam or links to malicious or harmful software
  • Content intended to impersonate another person or legitimate organization

Customer Use Policy

Comments and content posted to Vermont DMV Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are reviewed by the DMV social media team.

With respect to Facebook and Instagram, the Vermont DMV does not discriminate based on viewpoint. Content and comments will not be edited, but we reserve the right to:

  1. block certain words from appearing on the site through the profanity/hidden words filter, which will “hide” user-generated content or comments
  2. manually “hide” or remove user-generated content or comments if they violate the criteria above.

Hidden content or comments are available to the commenter and friends only. Removal of content and comments will be reserved for the most egregious violations of this Policy. Comments removed from our Facebook and/or Instagram accounts will be documented and saved by the Vermont DMV and will be subject to the State of Vermont’s Public Records Act (PRA). No record is created when content or comments are automatically hidden by Facebook or Instagram’s automated tools (such as the profanity filter); thus, the Vermont DMV cannot provide records responsive to requests for this information. Content and comments on Twitter will not be edited or removed.

The list of words that are blocked from appearing on Facebook and/or Instagram is available upon request made to the Vermont DMV at

Express or implied threats of violence or to public safety may be referred to the Vermont State Police for investigation.

Individual accounts will not be blocked or banned. Accounts established as “bots” (automated accounts) or fake accounts (not associated with a verifiable specific individual or organization, such as parody accounts) will be blocked or banned.


  • Liking and following an account, user, or page by a State of Vermont Instagram, Facebook, and/or Twitter account on third-party sites does not equal an endorsement.
  • Liking, commenting, or sharing specific content by a State of Vermont Instagram, Facebook, and/or Twitter account does not equal an endorsement of the global third-party content.
  • The State of Vermont is not responsible for, nor can it control, content on third-party sites.
  • The State of Vermont does not control nor guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in external content or hypertext links linking to or from third-party websites.

Third-party content and links are not intended to reflect the opinion of the State of Vermont.

Featured Article

January 17, 2025

Governor Phil Scott Announces Leadership Appointment

Matt Rousseau has been with DMV since 2017 overseeing critical functions and serving as chief of driver improvement, custodian of records, and chief of commercial vehicle operations. In these key roles, he worked with several other state agencies to promote efficiencies as well as being involved in implementing new programs and streamlining processes.

Prior to state government, Rousseau was a small business owner gaining firsthand experience in leadership, customer service, and operational management. Additionally, he served as an educator at the New England Culinary Institute sharing his passion and fostering the development of future professionals in the industry.

“Matt has demonstrated his strong leadership and commitment in many ways during his time at DMV,” said Governor Phil Scott.  “I also appreciate his successful small business background, especially in regards to customer service, which will serve Vermonters and the Department well in this new leadership role.” 

“I’m honored to have been chosen to serve in the Governor’s administration and excited to continue serving Vermonters in this new capacity,” said Rousseau.

Rousseau’s appointment is effective January 27.