See a list of phone numbers here.
Contact Us
What is the mailing address for DMV?
What is the mailing address for DMV?
Vermont DMV
120 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001
Contact Commercial Vehicles/Licensing
Questions about Commercial Drivers License or Commercial Vehicle?
Dealers & Inspection Stations
If you are a Licensed Vermont Dealer or Inspection station and have any questions, please contact your area DMV Investigator directly. To find the investigator assigned to your area, please visit the DMV Inspector map.
Phone Numbers
General Information
- 802.828.2000
- 888 99-VERMONT (888.998.3766)
- 711 or 800.253.0191
Commissioner's Office
- email: Andrew Collier
- Phone: 802 828-2011
- fax: 802.828.2170
- Compliance Division: 802 793-9321
Contact Us
Contact Forms:
What phone number can I call to reach DMV?
How can I contact DMV by email?
What is the mailing address for DMV?
Vermont DMV
120 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05603-0001
*NOTICE: Due to the current delays with the United States Postal Service (USPS), mail delivery may take up to two weeks.