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Dealer Services

Vermont Dealer Registration Guide

General information for registering vehicles for Vermont dealers.

Out-of-State Car Dealers

An out-of-state car dealer who has sold a vehicle to a Vermont registrant may;

  • mail the registration paperwork to the Montpelier DMV Office for processing,
  • provide paperwork to the customer, or
  • hand-deliver the paperwork. If the number of transactions to be processed exceeds five (5), an appointment must be scheduled.

Dealer Associations

  • CADA (Canadian Automobile Dealers Association)
  • NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association)
  • NIADA (National Independent Automobile Dealers Association)
  • RVDA (National RV Dealers Association)
  • VADA (Vermont Automobile Dealers Association)

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Motor Vehicle Dealer Continual Bond
Vermont Licensed Dealers
A listing of all licensed Vermont new and used dealers. The list frequently changes and is current as of the date shown on the page.