PDF format documents
Guide to Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in Vermont
This guide has been written based on Vermont laws and regulations. Since the Vermont legislature convenes every year in January, the information in this guide is subject to change. We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this guide is correct and up-to-date.
Purchase & Use tax Exemption
Used for organizations wishing to become certified as exempt from P&U tax
IID Manufacturer/Installer Certification
Application for Ignition Interlock Providers wishing to become certified to operate in Vermont
DMV Inspector Map
Map of regions served by DMV Inspectors along with contact information for each Inspector.
Application to Create a New Safety or Service Organization License Plate
Used by an organization wishing to have a new special plate authorized for their membership
Vermont Route 9 Chain up Law
Quick summary of law requiring use of tire chains on Vermont Route 9 during inclement weather
Dealer Supply Order
To order DMV stickers, forms, manuals, and other supplies by licensed Vermont Dealers.
Total Abstinence Reinstatement Application Packet
Packet of all forms required for application for reinstatement under Total Abstinence. Includes forms VS-070, VS-071, VS-072, VS-073, VS-074 & VS-075.
Total Abstinence Non-Resident
Non-Resident’s Sworn Declaration and Application for Reinstatement through Abstinence from Alcohol and Drugs