PDF format documents
Do FMCSA Rules Apply to Me?
Do you think you know what a commercial motor vehicle looks like? Take this simple compliance indicator quiz to be sure.
Driver's License Manual - Spanish
El Manual del Conductor incluye todo lo necesario para obtener un permiso de aprendizaje. También disponible en formato de audio o en una versión interactiva en línea - https://dmv.vermont.gov/driver-training
Purchase and Use Tax Computation - Leased Vehicle
To be used only by Licensed Vermont Car Dealers.
DMV Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Sectors
Map of sectors served by DMV Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE) Officers, along with contact information.
3-Wheel Motorcycle Course Waiver
Required for participation in any 3-wheel motorcycle VREP training courses. THIS IS A LEGAL RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE AGREEMENT. For the 2-wheel course, use DMV Form VN-149.
Vehicle Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney for vehicle registration purposes.