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Military Veterans

Extension of license for members of U.S. Armed Forces (23 V.S.A. ยง 616)

If you are on active duty, and a Vermont resident, the military extension validates your existing Vermont Driver's License for up to 4 years from the date it would normally expire. While it is necessary for the Department to send notice of all expiring licenses, you may disregard such notice if you have obtained a military extension.

Military License Plates

All plates on this page require a completed Vermont Certificate of Veteran Status, which must be certified by the Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs and can be used on vehicles registered at the pleasure car rate and trucks registered for less than 26,001 lbs (excluding vehicles registered under IRP). Some license plates require a one-time fee (see description). None of these license plates can be personalized/vanity plates.

Any veteran may apply for a non-specific Veterans' Plate with an American flag and "V" designation.

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