A registration can be renewed sixty (60) days before expiration.
For more information on registration renewal, dmv.vermont.gov/registrations/renew
A registration can be renewed sixty (60) days before expiration.
For more information on registration renewal, dmv.vermont.gov/registrations/renew
Non-Login: Click the ‘Renew My Vehicle Registration’ button at the center of the home screen or the ‘Renew My Registration’ under the Vehicle Registration section. You should review the information in the Getting Started section and will need to acknowledge that you are not a robot before continuing to the next screen.
My registration expires in July. Nearly every year I travel out of state in the summer. Can I change the expiration to something more convenient, like October?
Yes. At the next renewal, we can prorate the fees and renew for a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months, allowing you to select the month it will be due in future years.
Call us for the correct fees and renew by mail, or visit any location up to 2 months before the registration expiration month.
Date validation stickers are no longer required.
Act 41 was signed into law on June 1, 2023. It eliminated the annual (or biennial) validation sticker that previously appeared on license plates.
Kiosk services are available in the following DMV office locations:
Renewing online is fast, easy, and secure. You can renew most types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, trailers, motorcycles, snowmobiles, boats, ATVs, and more. Upon completion, you will receive a temporary registration that is valid for ten days. A permanent registration will be mailed to you.
What you'll need to renew by mail:
Participating Vermont Town Clerks can renew select motor vehicle registrations.
Some restrictions apply: No changes other than address are allowed. Must have the preprinted renewal form mailed to you by DMV. Must expire in the current or previous two months.
The following types of transactions will not be processed:
A registration can be renewed sixty (60) days before expiration.
For more information on registration renewal, dmv.vermont.gov/registrations/renew
Non-Login: Click the ‘Renew My Vehicle Registration’ button at the center of the home screen or the ‘Renew My Registration’ under the Vehicle Registration section. You should review the information in the Getting Started section and will need to acknowledge that you are not a robot before continuing to the next screen.
Enter your vehicle type, the last four characters of your vehicle’s VIN, and the plate number. Click ‘Next’. If myDMV is able to find the vehicle, you will see the vehicle returned on this page. Select your desired registration period (1- or 2-year) and enter your email address where your confirmation will be sent. Click ‘Next’ to review the fees and ‘Next’ again to review and submit.
Then, follow the prompts to complete payment, after which your renewal will be processed.
Login: Once inside your account, click the ‘Renew Registration’ link for any of your listed vehicles. The process will be similar for non-login renewals listed above, with the addition of the option to change your vehicle’s address and/or request a replacement plate.
Yes. At the next renewal, we can prorate the fees and renew for a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months, allowing you to select the month it will be due in future years.
Call us for the correct fees and renew by mail, or visit any location up to 2 months before the registration expiration month.
Date validation stickers are no longer required.
Act 41 was signed into law on June 1, 2023. It eliminated the annual (or biennial) validation sticker that previously appeared on license plates.