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18EC00916 Roberts


Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §1420 (e)(1), we are providing notice of removal and place of storage to the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles.  As this is our first abandoned vessel removal under this authority, please let me know if you require any additional information or would like to discuss the required process.  Also, once posted, please let me know when and where this information has been posted.

(e)(1) Notice of removal and place of storage. Within three business days of the date of removal of an abandoned vessel, the storage operator shall send notice to the Commissioner of:

(A) the federal, state, or foreign registration number, and the hull identification number, of the vessel, if any;

Hull Identification Number:  TPJ062490376-302


(B) a description of the vessel, including its color, size, and, if available, its manufacturer's trade name and manufacturer's series name;

White, Trojan 26’


(C) the date of removal and the location from where the vessel was removed;

November 17, 2018 

Mallett’s Bay, Colchester


(D) the name and contact information of an individual at the Agency of Natural Resources who can provide information about the vessel's removal and how to reclaim it; and

Sean McVeigh 802-828-1254


(E) the periodic storage charges that will apply, if any.

Approximately $1300, contact ANR for details


Kim L. Greenwood, CPESC


Environmental Compliance Division

One National Life Drive, Davis 2

Montpelier, VT 05620-3901