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The following is information that will explain your legal obligations with regard to the filing of a crash report:

23 V.S.A. § 1129

  • The operator of a motor vehicle involved in a crash whereby a person is injured or whereby there is total damage to all property to the extent of $3,000.00 or more shall make a written report concerning the crash to the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles on forms furnished by the Commissioner. The written report shall be mailed to the Commissioner within 72 hours after the crash. The Commissioner may require further facts concerning the crash to be provided upon forms furnished by him or her.
  • As used in this section, the word "crash" refers only to incidents and events in which the motor vehicle involved comes into physical contact with a person, object, or another motor vehicle. It shall not include such contact where a vehicle involved is being used by a law enforcement officer as a barrier to prevent passage of a vehicle being operated by a suspected violator of the law. In such cases, the law enforcement officer shall not be required to make a personally written report of the incident.
  • The owner and the operator of a motor vehicle covered by one or more policies of liability insurance shall notify any person injured by the motor vehicle, or the owner of any property damaged thereby, of the name and address of all liability insurance companies which may cover the incident, and the numbers of the policies. The notification shall be made to the injured person, or the owner of the damaged property, or both, not more than five days after the injury or damage. The information shall be given to the injured person and the owner of the damaged property at the last known address of each. 

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