Safety or Service Organizations may request the creation of a new plate per 23 V.S.A. § 304.
"Safety organizations" provide police and fire protection, rescue squads, the Vermont National Guard, organizations required to respond to public emergencies, and amateur radio operators licensed by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. Safety organizations must have at least 100 in-state members in good standing to qualify for a special organization plate.
"Service organization" includes congressionally chartered or non-congressionally chartered U.S. Military Service veterans' groups and any group which:
- has as a primary purpose service to the community through specific programs for the improvement of public health, education, or environmental awareness and conservation, and is not limited to social activities;
- has nonprofit status under Section 501(c)(3) or (10) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, as amended;
- is registered as a nonprofit corporation with the Office of the Secretary of State and
- except for a military veterans group with at least 100 in-state members in good standing.
The officer of a safety organization or service organization may apply to the Commissioner (form VD-160) to approve special plates indicating membership in a qualifying organization to be issued to organization members for an additional fee.