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Temporary Registration Authorization

When you apply online for temporary registration, you must attest to the following:
  1. The vehicle you are obtaining a temporary registration and plate for was purchased by and is owned by you.

  2. The vehicle is covered by insurance, and you have proof of the insurance in the vehicle.

  3. A completed registration application and appropriate fees have been submitted or will be submitted within 24 hours unless you have made an appointment to visit a DMV office to process the registration application (in this case, please bring the application and fees with you to your appointment).

  4. The above statements and warrants will be certified under penalty of 23 V.S.A. § 202 and § 203.

When you appear in person at the Department of Motor Vehicles to have a registration processed, you may receive a temporary registration instead of a permanent registration if:
  1. The vehicle can be titled, and you do not have the current title in your possession at the time of registration.
  2. If the vehicle identification number (VIN) number has not been verified and the vehicle is not with you.
  3. If the vehicle requires an odometer disclosure statement and you do not have it.
  4. You are applying for a Vanity Plate.
When you sign the Temporary Plate Authorization Form, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the following:
  1. The temporary registration and plate are valid only for 60 days and cannot be renewed or extended.

  2. The fees paid in conjunction with the temporary registration will not be refunded.

  3. You are responsible for acquiring the documents and information required by law to complete the registration process. You shall be fully aware that any delay in acquiring those documents may result in the expiration of your temporary plate.

  4. Furthermore, you understand that the expiration date of your permanent registration will be based on the date your temporary registration was issued. If you cannot meet the registration requirements, a permanent registration will not be issued, paperwork will not be returned, and the vehicle cannot be operated on the highway.

Temporary plates will not be issued in the following circumstances:
  1. You have already been issued a temporary registration for this vehicle and did not complete the process.
  2. Transferring plates that have expired.
  3. Changes in the registration requiring the title, signature, or bill of sale.

NOTE: We have experienced difficulties in acquiring titles from some out-of-state lien holders. You should contact your lienholder prior to accepting the temporary registration.

Relevant Vermont Statutes

23 V.S.A. § 202. Impersonating another in an application, or aiding an applicant by false representation

23 V.S.A. § 203. Counterfeiting, fraud, and misuse; penalty

23 V.S.A. § 312 Temporary registration pending issuance of a certificate of title

Download the PDF form to your computer and then open it with Adobe Reader

Related Forms & Information
Title Sort descending ID# Description
Registration Application Instructions
Instructions for registration, tax, and title form VD-119.
Registration/Tax/Title Application
Use for new registration, transfer, renewal, title, tax, adding or deleting an owner, lease buyout, and IRP.


How can I apply for a temporary registration & plate?

You can apply for a 60-day temporary registration/plate that you can display on your vehicle until you are able to come into a DMV office to complete your full registration. Click the ‘Apply for a Temporary Registration & Plate’ link under the Vehicle Registration section. You should review the information on the Getting Started section and will need to acknowledge that you are not a robot before continuing to the next screen.

Enter your Vermont driver’s license/permit/ID number, as well as the Document Discriminator number available on your physical card. Then enter your last name, the vehicle type for the vehicle you are applying for, and the VIN. Click ‘Next’ to progress to the section where you can verify the year, make, model, and color of the vehicle. Click ‘Next’ to fill out details about you as a customer, including your email and street addresses.

The next sections allow you to verify the fees, declare your certifications, and review a summary of the application. Click ‘Submit’ to process the request and progress to payment.