Most forms can be filled in electronically using Adobe Reader.
Completed forms (including necessary fees) should be mailed unless otherwise specified.
Most forms can be filled in electronically using Adobe Reader.
Completed forms (including necessary fees) should be mailed unless otherwise specified.
Title Sort ascending | ID# | Description |
Zoning Compliance Certification |
To indicate by the local zoning administrator or, in the absence thereof, the town clerk that the business is in compliance with the local zoning requirements whether building is owned or leased. |
Window Tint Permit Application |
To apply for a medical exemption from window tint regulations. |
VREP Site Locations |
Addresses and directions to Vermont Rider Education Program (VREP) training sites |
VREP Course Registration |
Used for registering in the Vermont Rider Education Program (VREP), including the Basic RiderCourse, Scooter Basic RiderCourse, Experienced Rider Skills Plus Course, and Intermediate RiderCourse – License Waiver. |
Vermont Route 9 Chain up Law |
Quick summary of law requiring use of tire chains on Vermont Route 9 during inclement weather |
Vermont Residency Certification - Ukrainian |
Використовувати як доказ місця проживання у Вермонті для неповнолітніх заявників або заявників віком від вісімнадцяти (18) років, які проживають з іншими. Vykorystovuvaty yak dokaz mistsya prozhyvannya u Vermonti dlya nepovnolitnikh zayavnykiv abo zayavnykiv vikom vid visimnadtsyaty (18) rokiv, yaki prozhyvayutʹ z inshymy. To use as proof of Vermont residency for applicants who are minors or applicants who are over the age of eighteen (18) and who reside with others. |
Vermont Residency Certification - Swahili |
Kutumia kama uthibitisho wa makaaji ya Vermont juya waombaji ambao ni watoto au waombaji ambao ni zaidi ya umri wa miaka 18 ambao wanaishi na wengine. Inachukua Nafasi ya Kiapo cha Makaaji ya Wazazi. VL-002 |
Vermont Residency Certification - Spanish |
Para uso como prueba de residencia en Vermont de solicitantes que sean menores, o bien mayores de 18 años y residan con otros. Reemplaza la Declaración Jurada Parental de Residencia. VL-002 Spanish |
Vermont Residency Certification - Somali |
In loo isticmaalo cadeyn degenaanshaha Vermont ee codsadayaasha aan qaan gaarin ama codsadayaasha ka weyn 18 sano ee la nool dad kale. Waxay beddeleysaa Dhaarta Degenaanshaha Waalidka. |
Vermont Residency Certification - Russian |
Использовать в качестве доказательства проживания в Вермонте для несовершеннолетних заявителей или заявителей старше восемнадцати (18) лет, проживающих с другими лицами. Ispol'zovat' v kachestve dokazatel'stva prozhivaniya v Vermonte dlya nesovershennoletnikh zayaviteley ili zayaviteley starshe vosemnadtsati (18) let, prozhivayushchikh s drugimi litsami. To use as proof of Vermont residency for applicants who are minors or applicants who are over the age of eighteen (18) and who reside with others. |
Vermont Residency Certification - Pashto |
د ورمونټ د استوګنې د ثبوت په توګه کارول د هغو غوښتونکو لپاره چې کوچنيان دي یا هغه غوښتونکي چې عمرونه یې له 18 څخه ډیر وي چې د نورو سره اوسیږي. د مور او پلار د استوګنې هویت بدلوي. |
Vermont Residency Certification - Nepali |
To use as proof of Vermont residency for applicants who are minors or applicants who are over the age of 18 who reside with others. Replaces Parental Residency Affidavit. VL-002 |
Vermont Residency Certification - Mandarin Chinese |
用作未成年人申请人或年满十八 (18) 岁且与他人同住的申请人的佛蒙特州居住证明。 Yòng zuò wèi chéngnián rén shēnqǐng rén huò nián mǎn shíbā (18) suì qiě yǔ tārén tóng zhù de shēnqǐng rén de fúméngtè zhōu jūzhù zhèngmíng. To use as proof of Vermont residency for applicants who are minors or applicants who are over the age of eighteen (18) and who reside with others. |
Vermont Residency Certification - Kirundi |
Gukoreshwa nk’icabona cuko uba I Vermont ku basaba ari abana bari munsi y’imyaka 18 canke abasaba barengeje imyaka 18 basanzwe babana n’abandi. Icemezo co gusimbuza aho umuvyeyi abaye. VL-002 |
Vermont Residency Certification - French |
Á utiliser comme preuve de résidence au Vermont pour les requérants mineurs ou ceux qui ont plus de 18 ans mais qui résident avec d’autres. Remplace l’Attestation Parentale de Résidence. VL-002 |
Vermont Residency Certification - English |
To use as proof of Vermont residency for applicants who are minors or applicants who are over the age of eighteen (18) and who reside with others. |
Vermont Residency Certification - Dari |
برای استفاده به عنوان مدرک اقامت ورمونت برای متقاضیانی که زیر سن قانونی هستند یا متقاضیان بالای 18 سال که با دیگران اقامت دارند. جایگزین سوگندنامه اقامت والدین می شود. |
Vermont Residency Certification - Burmese |
To use as proof of Vermont residency for applicants who are minors or applicants who are over the age of 18 who reside with others. Replaces Parental Residency Affidavit. VL-002 |
Vermont Residency Certification - Bosnian Serbian Croatian |
Da se koristi kao dokaz prebivališta u Vermontu za kandidate koji su maloljetni ili kandidate koji su strariji od 18 godina koji borave s drugima. Zamjenjuje izjavu o prebivalistu roditelja. VL-002 |
Vermont Residency Certification - Arabic |
لاستخدامه كدليل على إقامة فيرمونت للمتقدمين القصر أو المتقدمين الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا والذين يقيمون مع آخرين. يحل محل شهادة الوالدين الإقامة. laistikhdamih kadalil ealaa 'iiqamat firmunt lilmutaqadimin alqasr 'aw almutaqadimin aladhin tazid 'aemaruhum ean 18 eamana waladhin yuqimun mae akharina. yahilu mahala shahadat alwalidayn al'iiqamat. VL-002 |
Vermont License Plates |
A listing of all Vermont license plate types with brief information on cost and requirements to obtain |
Vermont Fuel XML Guide |
Online Distributor Fuel Tax Return XML Upload Guide |
Vermont Fuel Excel Guide |
Online Distributor Fuel Tax Return Excel Upload Guide |
Vermont Distributor Template |
Online Distributor Fuel Tax Return Excel Upload |
Verification of VIN/HIN |
To verify the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or Hull Identification Number (HIN). |
Vehicle Power of Attorney |
Power of Attorney for vehicle registration purposes. |
Vanity Plate Application |
For new registrations and to convert current plates over to a vanity/specialized plate |
Uniform Municipal Excess Weight Permit |
Municipal excess weight permit for commercial vehicles. |
Transporter Registration Information |
Transporter requirements. |
Transporter Log |
Transporter Log |
Transporter Application |
To apply to become a vehicle transporter. |
Transfer on Death |
A "Transfer on Death" (TOD) title brand is a legal arrangement that allows vehicle owners to designate a beneficiary who will automatically receive ownership of the vehicle upon the owner's death. |
Town Clerk Log Sheet |
To record registration renewals by the town clerk with this log sheet. |
Total Abstinence Reinstatement Application Packet |
Packet of all forms required for application for reinstatement under Total Abstinence. Includes forms VS-070, VS-071, VS-072, VS-073, VS-074 & VS-075. |
Total Abstinence Non-Resident |
Non-Resident’s Sworn Declaration and Application for Reinstatement through Abstinence from Alcohol and Drugs |
Title VI Notice to the Public |
Vermont DMV Title VI Notice to the Public, Beneficiaries & Participants. |
Title Informational Bulletin |
A bulletin of Vermont Title laws and title information details. |
Title Bond |
To request issuance of a bonded title |
Tips for Buying a Used Vehicle |
Temporary Plate Log |
For Dealer Use Only |
Temporary Display of Vehicles |
To apply for permission to display vehicles at a location other than the approved dealership for a period of 14 days or less. |
Temporary Disabled Parking |
To request issuance of a temporary disabled parking placard. |
Tax Exemption - Rental Vehicle |
To apply for exemption from purchase and use tax at the time of registration for a rental vehicle |
Tax - Lease Extension |
To submit additional purchase and use tax on a lease vehicle when an extension of the lease has been granted. |
Street Rod Certification |
To have a vehicle inspected and verified to be registered as a Street Rod |
Stinger Steered TRK & Twin Doubles Reasonable Access |
To apply for reasonable access on Vermont State highways with stinger steered trucks and twin doubles. |
Standard Driver Training Instructor Application |
To apply as a standard driver training instructor. |
Special Excess Weight Permit |
To request permission to operate a specific or combination vehicle with an excess of accepted weight/dimension on designated routes. |
Snowmobile Registration & Title Application Instructions |
Instructions for completing the Snowmobile Registration & Title Application. |
Snowmobile Registration & Title Application |
To register a snowmobile as new, transfer, renew, or title only. |
Snowmobile Manual |
Snowmobile rules and regulations |
Self Insurance |
To apply to be certified as self-insured. |
Schoolbus Clinic Notification |
Used by Instructors to notify DMV of a new School Bus Clinic |
Schoolbus Clinic Attendance |
Used by Instructors to notify DMV of a School Bus Clinic attendance |
School Bus Manual |
Manual for school bus drivers. |
Safety/Service Organization Plates |
To convert new registrations or current plates over to a Safety/Service Organization plate |
Rules for Overweight Overdimension Permits |
Rules and instructions governing overweight and over-dimension vehicle permits. |
RiderCoach Candidate Application |
for individuals interested in becoming certified to conduct the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Basic RiderCourse |
Request for Vehicle Tax Refund |
To apply for a refund on taxes previously paid on a vehicle recently registered for the first time in Vermont. |
Request for DLS packet |
To request information on a driver who was cited for driving with license suspended (DLS). |
Request for a Hearing |
Used to request an Administrative Hearing |
Replacement Title Application |
To apply for a replacement Vermont title when the original title has been lost, stolen, destroyed, or is illegible. |
Replacement Plate Application |
To apply for replacement plates when original plates have been lost, stolen, faded, or damaged. |
Replacement License |
Used to make changes (name change, address change, etc), get a new picture, remove a restriction (eye glass) or to replace a lost or stolen license or learner permit. For CDL use form VL-031. |
Rental Company Tax Report |
To file a tax report by a rental company. |
Rental Company License Application |
To apply for a rental company license. |
Rental Company Bond |
To bond as a rental company. |
Remote Hearing Guidelines |
Procedures for remote hearings |
Release of Security Interest Complaint |
For dealers to request assistance in obtaining title when the lienholder has not released the security interest and/or title. |
Registration/Tax/Title Application |
Use for new registration, transfer, renewal, title, tax, adding or deleting an owner, lease buyout, and IRP. |
Registration Application Instructions |
Instructions for registration, tax, and title form VD-119. |
Refund Worksheet for Purchased Vehicle |
Refund Worksheet for Leased Vehicle |
Rebuilt/Salvage Title Application |
To apply for a Rebuilt/Salvage Vermont title. |
RDL Application |
Application to obtain or renew an Ignition Interlock Restricted License |
Purchase and Use Tax Computation - Leased Vehicle |
To be used only by Licensed Vermont Car Dealers. |
Purchase & Use tax Exemption |
Used for organizations wishing to become certified as exempt from P&U tax |
Plate Seizure Notification |
To be completed by Law Enforcement upon seizure of license plates. |
Petition for Return of Seized Plates |
To request return of plates seized by law enforcement by the registered owner of vehicle. |
Personal Delivery of Title |
Personal Delivery of Title |
Personal Appearance Hearings |
Information on Personal Appearance Hearings |
Periodic Inspection Manual |
Vermont Periodic Inspection Manual |
Oversize/Overdimension - Single Trip Permit |
To apply for a single trip permit to operate a motor vehicle in excess of statutory weight or dimension limits. |
Order Transmittal Letter |
Off Road Conversion to Street Legal Motorcycle |
Use for converting an off-road motorcycle for on-road use. This form must be completed by a licensed Vermont inspection mechanic. |
Non-Driver ID Application - Ukrainian |
Щоб подати заявку на отримання нової, оновленої, заміненої чи покращеної ідентифікаційної картки неводія. Shchob podaty zayavku na otrymannya novoyi, onovlenoyi, zaminenoyi chy pokrashchenoyi identyfikatsiynoyi kartky nevodiya. To apply for a new, renewed, replaced, or enhanced Non-Driver Identification Card. |
Non-Driver ID Application - Swahili |
Kuomba kadi mpya, kuifanyaupya, ubadilishaji, au kitambulisho isiyo ya dereva iliyoboreshwa. VL-017 |
Non-Driver ID Application - Spanish |
Para solicitar una tarjeta de identificación de no conductor nueva, renovada, de reemplazo o mejorada. VL-017 Spanish |
Non-Driver ID Application - Somali |
Si aad u codsato cusub, cusboonaysiin, beddelaad ah, ama kaar aqoonsi aan darawal ahayn oo la wanaajiyey. |
Non-Driver ID Application - Russian |
Подать заявку на получение новой, продленной, замененной или улучшенной удостоверения личности неводителя. Podat' zayavku na polucheniye novoy, prodlennoy, zamenennoy ili uluchshennoy udostovereniya lichnosti nevoditelya. To apply for a new, renewed, replaced, or enhanced Non-Driver Identification Card. |
Non-Driver ID Application - Pashto |
د نوي، نوي شوي، بدل شوي، یا پرمختللي غیر چلونکي پیژندنې کارت لپاره غوښتنه وکړئ. |
Non-Driver ID Application - Nepali |
To apply for a new, renew, replacement, or enhanced non-driver identification card. VL-017 |
Non-Driver ID Application - Mandarin Chinese |
申请新的、更新的、更换的或增强的非驾驶员身份证。 Shēnqǐng xīn de, gēngxīn de, gēnghuàn de huò zēngqiáng de fēi jiàshǐ yuán shēnfèn zhèng. To apply for a new, renewed, replaced, or enhanced Non-Driver Identification Card. |
Non-Driver ID Application - Kirundi |
Gusaba ikarata nshasha, uvugurura, usimbuza, canke ikarata idatanga uburenganzira bwo gutwaza imodoka. VL-017 |
Non-Driver ID Application - French |
Pour demander une nouvelle carte d’identité non-conducteur, son renouvellement, ou son remplacement ou une carte d’identité non-conducteur « privilège ». VL-017 |
Non-Driver ID Application - English |
To apply for a new, renewed, replaced, or enhanced Non-Driver Identification Card. |
Non-Driver ID Application - Dari |
برای کارت شناسایی غیرراننده جدید، تمدید، تعویض یا ارتقا یافته درخواست دهید. |
Non-Driver ID Application - Burmese |
To apply for a new, renew, replacement, or enhanced non-driver identification card. VL-017 |
Non-Driver ID Application - Bosnian Serbian Croatian |
Da bi aplicirali za novu, obnovu, zamjenu ili unapredjenu identifikacijsku karticu za nevozace. VL-017 |
Non-Driver ID Application - Arabic |
للتقدم بطلب للحصول على بطاقة هوية لغير السائقين جديدة أو مجددة أو بديلة أو محسنة. liltaqadum bitalab lilhusul ealaa bitaqat huiat lighayr alssayiqin jadidatan 'aw mujadadat 'aw badilat 'aw muhsanat. VL-017 |
Next of Kin Family Plate |
To request a next-of-kin family plate |
Need an Interpreter? |
Need an Interpreter? Please point to your language poster. |
National Driver Register File Check - Individual |
To request by an individual a National Driver Register (NDR) file check in accordance with the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579). |
National Driver Register File Check |
To request record from the National Driver Register (NDR) Record Checks by a current or prospective employer. |
Municipal Supply Order Form |
To order DMV supplies by Town Clerks, Police Departments, or Driver Educators. |
Multiple Owners on Registration/Title Authorization |
To indicate more than two (2) owners for the vehicle/vessel/ATV/Snowmobile as registered and/or titled owners. |
Motorcycle Skill Test |
Motorcycle Skill Test Certification - complete for motorcycle skill test |
Motorcycle Manual |
For people interested in obtaining a Motorcycle permit or license. Includes safety tips, rules & regulations. |
Motorcycle Learner's Permit |
To apply for a Motorcycle Learner's Permit as new, renewed, or replacement. |
Motorboat Registration or Vessel Validation |
To apply for registration as new, transfer, renew, or title only on a motorboat. |
Motorboat Application Instructions |
Instructions for registering a motorboat. |
Motor Vehicle Dealer Continual Bond |
Motor Vehicle Dealer Continual Bond |
Motor Vehicle Dealer Bond |
A statement of bond required for all licensed Vermont dealers. |
Military License Extension |
Explains Vermont law which grants active duty military, and their immediate family, stationed out of state an extension on their license. |
Medical Evaluation Report |
To be completed by a licensed physician when applying for a permanent disabled parking placard, disabled plates, and/or when a medical form is requested by the department to be submitted to the Department of Motor Vehicles. |
Mechanic Re-Certification |
To apply for re-certification as an inspection mechanic. |
Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (Homemade/Rebuilt) |
To apply for a title for a homemade vehicle, trailer, motorboat, etc. |
Manufacturer Zone Offices |
Low Number Plate (Family Specific) |
To request a low plate number which previously belonged to a family member. |
Low Number Plate |
To convert new registrations or current plates over to a low number plate. |
Lost/Replacement Registration |
To make changes (address change, color change, etc) or replace a lost or stolen registration. |
Lost or Unavailable Registration Certificate |
To state your registration certificate is lost or unavailable when transferring your plates to a replacement vehicle. |
Lien Release |
To release a lien on a existing Vermont title |
Lien Add |
To add or adjust a lien to an existing Vermont title. |
License/Permit Application - Ukrainian |
Щоб подати заявку на нову видачу або продовження ліцензії чи дозволу Вермонта (не-CDL). Shchob podaty zayavku na novu vydachu abo prodovzhennya litsenziyi chy dozvolu Vermonta (ne-CDL). To apply for a new issuance or renewal of a Vermont license or permit (Non-CDL). |
License/Permit Application - Swahili |
Kuomba kutolewa kwa leseni yoyote mpya au kufanyaupya ya leseni ya Vermont au kibali (Sio CDL). VL-021 |
License/Permit Application - Spanish |
Solicitud de Licencia / Permiso | Para solicitar la emisión de cualquier licencia o permiso de Vermont nuevo/a o renovado/a (No CDL). VL-021 Spanish |
License/Permit Application - Somali |
Si aad u codsato soo saarida kaarka aqoonsiga gaari waditaanka cusub ama cusboonaysiinta rukhsadda Vermont ama rukhsad (Aan ahayn CDL). Aqonsiga lagu wado gaari yada waawayn. |
License/Permit Application - Russian |
Подать заявку на новую выдачу или продление лицензии или разрешения штата Вермонт (не CDL). Podat' zayavku na novuyu vydachu ili prodleniye litsenzii ili razresheniya shtata Vermont (ne CDL). To apply for a new issuance or renewal of a Vermont license or permit (Non-CDL). |
License/Permit Application - Pashto |
د ورمونټ جواز یا جواز (غیر CDL) د نوي یا نوي کولو لپاره غوښتنه کول. |
License/Permit Application - Nepali |
To apply for the issuance of any new or renewal of a Vermont license or permit (Non-CDL). VL-021 |
License/Permit Application - Mandarin Chinese |
申请佛蒙特州执照或许可证(非 CDL)的新签发或更新。 Shēnqǐng fúméngtè zhōu zhízhào huò xǔkě zhèng (fēi CDL) de xīn qiānfā huò gēngxīn. To apply for a new issuance or renewal of a Vermont license or permit (Non-CDL). |
License/Permit Application - Kirundi |
Gusaba itangwa bushasha canke kuvugurura uruhusha rwo gutwaza imodoka I Vermont (Non-CDL). VL-021 |
License/Permit Application - French |
Pour demander la délivrance ou le renouvellement de tout permis ou licence du Vermont (permis de conduire non-commercial). VL-021 |
License/Permit Application - English |
To apply for a new issuance or renewal of a Vermont license or permit (Non-CDL). |
License/Permit Application - Dari |
درخواست برای صدور هرگونه مجوز یا مجوز جدید یا تمدید ورمونت (غیر CDL). |
License/Permit Application - Burmese |
To apply for the issuance of any new or renewal of a Vermont license or permit (Non-CDL). VL-021 |
License/Permit Application - Bosnian Serbian Croatian |
Da bi aplicirali za izdavanje bilo koje nove ili obnovu Vermontske dozvole ili permita (Ne-CDL). VL-021 |
License/Permit Application - Arabic |
للتقدم بطلب لإصدار أي ترخيص أو تصريح جديد أو تجديد من ولاية فيرمونت (غير CDL). liltaqadum bitalab li'iisdar 'ayi tarkhis 'aw tasrih jadid 'aw tajdid min wilayat firmwnt (ghyr CDL). VL-021 |
License Comparison |
A comparison of the various license types available in Vermont. This includes Enhanced Driver's License (EDL), Commercial Driver's License (CDL), Real ID & Driver's Privilege Card (DPC). It also includes a document checklist to determine what is required for each license type and a brief description of what each card type can and cannot be used for. |
Lemon Law Stats FY2024 Detailed |
Detailed Lemon Law Stats for the fiscal year 2024 |
Lemon Law Stats FY2023 Detailed |
Detailed Lemon Law Stats for the fiscal year 2023 |
Lemon Law Stats FY2022 Detailed |
Detailed Lemon Law Stats for the fiscal year 2022 |
Lemon Law Stats FY2021 Detailed |
Detailed Lemon Law Stats for the fiscal year 2021 |
Lemon Law Stats FY2020 Detailed |
Detailed Lemon Law Stats for the fiscal year 2020 |
Lemon Law Notice to Consumer |
Motor vehicle arbitration (lemon law) notice to the consumer |
Lemon Law Motor Vehicle Arbitration Board Manufacturers Guide |
Lemon Law Manufacturer Answer |
Lemon Law Filing Instructions |
Motor vehicle arbitration (lemon law) instructions for filing |
Lemon Law Enclosures Checklist |
Lemon Law Case Acceptance |
motor vehicle arbitration (lemon law) case acceptance form |
Lemon Law Brochure |
Motor vehicle arbitration (lemon law) Brochure |
Lemon Law 30 Day Claim |
30-day repair history summary |
Lemon Law 3 Times Out Claim |
3-times-out repair history summary |
Legislative Plate Application |
For use by Vermont Legislators to obtain a legislative plate. |
Legal Name Notice |
To notify the Department of Motor Vehicles of a change in your legal name. |
Lease Excess Wear & Tear / Excess Mileage Tax |
To document additional taxes collected as a result of excess wear and tear and/or excess mileage at the end of a motor vehicle lease contract. |
Law Enforcement Request for Ignition Interlock Data |
Used by Law Enforcement to request data on drivers required to use an Ignition Interlock Device. |
IRS Form W-9 |
IRS Form W-9
Use Form W-9 to provide your correct Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to the person who is required to file an information return with the IRS to report, for example, the acquisition or abandonment of secured property. |
IRP/IFTA Manual |
A manual of Vermont Apportioned Registration Plan (IRP) & International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) information. |
IRP Schedule C/E |
IRP Schedule C/E |
IRP Schedule A/E |
IRP Schedule A/E |
IRP Application for Replacement Credentials |
To request replacement plate or cab card registration for IRP vehicle. |
Intransit Plate/Permit Application |
To apply for plate and permit to transport newly purchased vehicles within VT or for transporting from VT to another state. |
Instructions for Telephone Hearing |
Instructions for Telephone Administrative Hearings Held by the Vermont Agency of Transportation |
Inspection Station Bulletin 24-2 | Inspection_Station_Bulletin_24-2 | |
Inspection Mechanic Certification Exam (School Buses) |
To apply for Vermont inspection mechanic for school buses. |
Inspection Mechanic Certification Exam (Motorcycle) |
To apply for Vermont inspection mechanic for motorcycles. |
Inspection Mechanic Certification Exam |
To apply for Vermont inspection mechanic for cars/trucks. |
Inspection Mechanic Certification Application |
To apply for a VT inspection mechanic. |
Individual Light Permit Application |
To apply for a permit on a personal owned vehicle that is equipped with a siren or colored light other than amber. |
IID Manufacturer/Installer Certification |
Application for Ignition Interlock Providers wishing to become certified to operate in Vermont |
IID Device Certification |
For manufacturers of Ignition Interlock Devices wishing to have a device certified for use in Vermont |
IID Certification of Installation |
Certification completed by the installer of the IID. Installer must be certified to provide ignition interlock device services in Vermont. |
Ignition Interlock Program FAQs |
Ignition Interlock Program FAQs |
Ignition Interlock Participation Agreement |
Agreement and commitment to fulfill the Ignition Interlock program requirements. |
Ignition Interlock Breath Volume Waiver |
To apply for a breath volume waiver for use of an IID. |
IFTA Motor Fuel Tax License Credentials and Decals |
To apply for new, renewal and/or additions for Vermont Based International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and to use Motor Fuel Tax License Credentials and Decals. |
Hearing Protocol |
Hearing Protocol |
Guidelines for Administrative Hearings |
Guidelines for Administrative Hearings Held by the Vermont Agency of Transportation Hearings Section |
Guide to Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in Vermont |
This guide has been written based on Vermont laws and regulations. Since the Vermont legislature convenes every year in January, the information in this guide is subject to change. We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this guide is correct and up-to-date. |
Gold Star Family Plate |
To request a Gold Star Family plate |
Fuel Tax Surety Bond |
Fuel Tax Surety Bond |
Fuel Tax Return, Q4 2024 |
CVO-102 Q4
Distributor Fuel Tax Return. Use this form only if filing for the calendar year's fourth (4th) quarter of 2024. |
Fuel Tax Return, Q3 2024 |
CVO-102 Q3
Distributor Fuel Tax Return. Use this form only if filing for the calendar year's third (3rd) quarter of 2024. |
Fuel Tax Return, Q2 2024 |
CVO-102 Q2
Distributor Fuel Tax Return. Use this form only if filing for the calendar year's second (2nd) quarter of 2024. |
Fuel Tax Return, Q1 2025 |
CVO-102 Q1
Distributor Fuel Tax Return. Use this form only if filing for the calendar year's first (1st) quarter of 2025. |
Fuel Tax Return Instructions |
Instructions for Distributor Fuel Tax Return |
Fuel Tax Application |
Fuel Tax Application. |
Foreign Exchange Parental Authorization |
To allow permission by the parent of the foreign exchange student for the host parent to sign all documentation for the issuance of the learner permit or license. |
FMCSA Title VI Compliance |
The Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles’ Title VI Program Plan is prepared in accordance with 49 Code of Federal Regulation 21 and 49 Code of Federal Regulation Part 303. This plan provides interested individuals with specific information that explains the Department's Title VI Program Plan activities pertaining to organization and staffing, monitoring and review processes, complaint procedures, and Title VI Program Plan assurances. |
Farm Related Services Industries License |
To apply for a farm related services industries license to use when operating a farm related vehicle. |
Enhanced License/ID Information |
To view a complete list of required documents to obtain a Vermont Enhanced drivers license. |
Engineering Survey |
To apply for overweight or over-dimensional permit when the route needs to be surveyed. |
Employment Certification |
This affidavit may be used as proof of legitimate ties to Vermont, by non-residents who are contractually employed at a Vermont Business Entity. |
Employee ID Card Application |
State Employee ID card. Only available to Vermont State Employees (current or retired). Previously was known as VG-098. |
Driving Practice Log Sheet |
To record driving time and skills by a driver under the age of 18. |
DriveVT Instructions |
Instructions for first-time login and printing of completion certificate to DriveVT - the Online Interactive Tutorial |
Driver's License Manual - Ukraine |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Swahili |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Spanish |
El Manual del Conductor incluye todo lo necesario para obtener un permiso de aprendizaje. También disponible en formato de audio o en una versión interactiva en línea - |
Driver's License Manual - Somali |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Russian |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Pashto |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Nepali |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Mandarin Chinese |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Kirundi |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - French |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Farsi |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Dari |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Burmeses |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Bosnian |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual - Arabic |
The driver's manual includes everything needed to obtain a learner permit. |
Driver's License Manual |
Driver's Manual includes everything needed for obtaining a learner permit. Also available in audio format or in an interactive online version - |
Driver Training School License Application |
To apply as a driver training school license. |
Driver Eyesight Evaluation |
To be completed upon DMV request and/or to have the eyeglass restriction removed from your Vermont drivers license. |
Driver Evaluation Recommendation |
For use by Law Enforcement or police to request that a driver be re-evaluated for driving ability. |
DPPA User Agreement (Non-Standard) |
To record and contract for billing the usage of a DPPA user. |
DPPA User Agreement |
To request user access to certain records for the purpose of obtaining personal information. This form is typically used for frequent requesters. |
Do FMCSA Rules Apply to Me? |
Do you think you know what a commercial motor vehicle looks like? Take this simple compliance indicator quiz to be sure. |
DMV Record Request |
To request records and documents including driving records, certified copies, police and individual crash reports, etc. |
DMV Inspector Map |
Map of regions served by DMV Inspectors along with contact information for each Inspector. |
DMV Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Sectors |
Map of sectors served by DMV Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE) Officers, along with contact information. |
Disclosure (Amount to be Financed) |
To record Vermont disclosure of the amount to be financed in a motor vehicle retail installment contract. |
Disabled Parking Placard Application |
To request issuance of a permanent disabled parking placard. |
Diesel Tax Refund Application |
Diesel Tax Refund Application |
Diesel Fuel Exemption Certificate Application |
To apply for diesel fuel tax exemption. |
Diesel Dealer License Application |
Diesel Dealer License Application |
Demand for Arbitration Application |
To request arbitration with instruction information. |
Deceased Owner Informational Bulletin |
Information about updating registration or title after the death of the owner. Includes Surviving Spouse Statement. |
Dealer Vehicle Record |
To record dealer vehicle exchanges and transactions completed by the dealer. |
Dealer Supply Order |
To order DMV stickers, forms, manuals, and other supplies by licensed Vermont Dealers. |
Dealer Renewal Packet |
Dealer Renewal Packet - includes DMV forms VD-006, VD-007, VD-114 & VD-114a. |
Dealer Renewal Application |
To renew dealer registration and plates. |
Dealer Issued Plate Log |
For Dealer Use Only |
Dealer Audit Card |
Required as part of the dealer renewal process |
Dealer Appraisal Form |
To apply for a lesser tax due at the time of registration when disagreeing with J. D. Power value. |
Dealer Application |
To apply for dealer registration and plates. |
Deaf Visor Card |
Visor cards to help those who are deaf or hard of hearing when pulled over while driving. |
Criminal Record Check |
For review of suitability for employment, volunteer work, or licensing requirements. |
Crash Report, Police: Snowmobile |
For police to report a crash of a snowmobile |
Crash Report, Police: ATV |
For police to report a crash of an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) |
Crash Report, Operator: Motorboat |
To report a crash as current or the last operator of a motorboat, boat or vessel. |
Crash Report, Operator: Motor Vehicle |
To report a crash as a motor vehicle operator. |
Crash Report, Operator: ATV or Snowmobile |
To report a crash as current or the last operator of a snowmobile or ATV. |
Crane Routing |
A listing of roads and bridges for crane operators to plan routing. |
Conservation Plate |
To obtain deer, loon, or trout conservation plate. Use for new registration or converting an existing license plate. |
Commercial License/Permit Application |
To apply for the issuance of any new, renewal, replacement or correction of any and all CDL licenses/permits/endorsements. |
Commercial Driver License Skills Test Scheduling Fee Receipt |
To record receipt of the commercial driver license skills test deposit scheduling fee. |
Clearinghouse RTD Driver Insert |
Return to Duty information for CDL drivers with a drug or alcohol program violation |
Checklist for New Dealers |
A checklist for new dealers to assure they meet all requirements as a dealer. |
Certification of Tax Exemption |
To request exemption of tax because the tax was paid to another state, the vehicle was received as a gift, the vehicle is equipped with altered controls or a mechanical lifting device for a disabled person, or the vehicle was transferred from an individual or business to a business controlled by the transferor. Form VT-014 replaced VT-013, VT-029 & VD-050 in July of 2022. |
Certification of Enrollment in an Impaired Driver Rehabilitation Program |
This form is for initial Ignition Interlock Device Restricted Driver’s License (RDL) applications only |
Certificate of Veteran Status |
To apply for a Veterans plate and/or to have a Veterans designator added onto a VT license. |
CDL Medical Certification |
Federal Motor Carriers Safety (FMCSA) Regulations require all CDL holders to self-certify as to what type of driving they perform or expects to perform. |
CDL Manual |
Commercial Driver's License manual |
CDL Flow Chart |
Flow chart to determine what class of CDL is required |
CDL Driver Training Instructor Application |
To apply for CDL driver training instructor. |
Cargo Securement |
Cargo Securement Information |
Building Bright Futures Plate |
To convert a new registrations or your current plates over to a Building Bright Futures plate. |
Blue Envelope Program Information |
Information about the Blue Envelope Program |
Blue Envelope |
Blue Envelope eases communication between individuals on the autism spectrum and law enforcement |
Blanket Permit for Special Purpose Vehicles |
Annual Permit for Well Drilling Rigs and Concrete Pump Trucks Only. |
Blanket Permit for Over Dimension/Over Weight Loads |
Annual Blanket Permits are Issued for Non-Divisible, Over Dimension/Over Weight Loads that will expire with the vehicle's registration. Out of state applicants must include a copy of their current registration. Previously known as VX-002. |
Blanket Permit for Low Bed Trailers |
Annual Permit for Low Bed Equipment Trailer. Previously known as VX-021. |
Bill of Sale (BOS) & Odometer Disclosure Statement (ODS) |
To transfer ownership of a motor vehicle and state current mileage. Odometer Disclosure Statement is required for vehicles model year 2011 or newer. |
Authorization for Pay Off |
To allow for payoff for Vermont insurance company and auto dealer to submit to lienholders to have lien released and title sent to them rather than the original owner when the vehicle is being traded in. |
ATV Manual |
All-Terrain vehicle rules and regulations |
Assignment of VIN/HIN |
To request a VIN/HIN be assigned when the vehicle has never had or no longer has a proper VIN/HIN number. |
Application to Create a New Safety or Service Organization License Plate |
Used by an organization wishing to have a new special plate authorized for their membership |
Application for Military Test Waiver |
Waiver of the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) skills or select knowledge tests for Vermont service members who are/were employed within the past year (12 months) in a military position requiring the operation of a military motor vehicle equivalent to a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). |
Application for Appointment as an Official Inspection Station |
To apply as an official inspection station. |
Applicant Authority to Release Information |
To allow the DMV authority to perform a dealer license background check and release of information. |
Alteration Statement - Title/MCO |
To record an error by the individual(s) who made the error on a title/mco during the signing over of ownership. |
Affidavit of Repossession |
To state a motor vehicle repossession by the lienholder. |
Affidavit of Non-Titled Vehicle |
This affidavit of a non-titled vehicle may be used when the vehicle has no record of a previous title or registration in the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS). |
Affidavit of Non-Licensure |
Used when converting a license from out of state and the physical license is not available to surrender. |
Act 71 2017 |
Act 71
Act No. 71 (S.127). A 2017 act relating to miscellaneous changes to laws related to vehicles and vessels. |
Act 41 Total Abstinence Program Changes |
Act 41
Excerpt of ACT 41 from 2023 that made changes to the Total Abstinence Program |
ACH Instructions |
Bring this guide with you when you set up your ACH credit account with your financial institution or payroll company. |
Abandoned Vehicle Certification |
To identify and notify the owner of an abandoned vehicle as required by law. If no owner can be identified, the DMV will issue a Certificate of Abandoned Motor Vehicle along with an appropriate title or salvage title. If seeking reimbursement for towing you are required to also submit a completed IRS W-9 form. |
3-Wheel Motorcycle Course Waiver |
Required for participation in any 3-wheel motorcycle VREP training courses. THIS IS A LEGAL RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE AGREEMENT. For the 2-wheel course, use DMV Form VN-149. |
2023 Act 41 TA Program Fact Sheet.pdf |
Act 41
Total Abstinence Fact Sheet for Act 41 |
2-Wheel Motorcycle Course Waiver |
Required for participation in any 2-wheel motorcycle VREP training courses. THIS IS A LEGAL RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE AGREEMENT. For the 3-wheel course, use DMV Form VN-148. |